Why We are the Best: Sri SaiChaitanya Edge

  • Process Driven Academic System: Each and every aspect of the syllabi to be covered is planned for and meticulously implemented.
  • Intelligent Learning: We deliver education integrating the CBSE course and entrance course, the idea is for the student to utilize their time only on the relevant course.
  • Competitive Entrance Examination Coaching: Professional coaching by experts for success in National and state level entrance examination (Engineering / Medical)
  • Personal Assistance: When our students find themselves stuck with questions; they do not have to wait until their next class to get help. Personal assistance from the concerned faculty is available immediately.
  • Superior Instruction: We adhere to the most rigorous instruction standards.
  • Real Test Questions: The latest questions appearing in the examination are discussed in the class.
  • Research and Development Team: Sri Saichaitanya has a unique R&D Team that is always working towards improving the Teaching methods and problem-solving techniques, customizing them for the students.
  • Moral and Spiritual Education: Yoga Sadhana, Participation in various related activities.
  • Hobbies and Projects: Electronics, Music, Art, Photography, Literary Society in English/Oriya, Hindi, Debate, Quizzing and General Knowledge.
  • Expert Faculty: Endeavour to inculcate the education through crystal clear concepts and provide the right guidance to excel in academics.
  • Textbooks: Issue of all CBSE course Textbooks and Competitive Entrance Coaching Materials.
  • Study Materials: Study material covering theory, objective type questions, problems, work example, assignments, lessons, tests, and evaluation are all focused on the ultimate goal of getting a good rank and admission in the professional courses of the student’s choice.
  • Assignment:Intensive training covering last 10 years questions of CBSE examination.
  • Continuous Internal Assessment: Periodic Tests and examinations, VST/ Model Test for performance evaluations (topic wise)
    Special doubt clearing sessions personal care cell: Parental warmth and care go hand in hand with rigorous teaching. Committed faculty treats all children as their own and gives individual attention to them.
  • Art Living and Health Care Program:
  • Education on morality & behaviour “Healthcare Program” by Doctors.

  • Science Labs: Used to demonstrate scientific experiments and serves as a centre for science teaching aids and project works.
  • Leadership and Character Education:Inculcating in students desirable value systems and stabilizing in them positive attitude & behaviours.
  • Co-Curricular Activities: Our students are mines of precious talent. An exciting all round education is the first step in transforming potentially into reality. We ensure that our students can reach their highest potential by providing a well-rounded program of activities outside in the classroom directed toward the development of their talents, skills, self-confidence, and sense of global citizenship.
  • Teaching Aids: Modern teaching aids like computers, LED projector etc are integrated effectively on the teaching methodologies.
  • Laboratories: Laboratories of physics, chemistry, Biology and Mathematics are equipped with the latest equipment models.
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