About Sri Saichaitanya Institute



  1. The Institute attaches utmost importance to integrity and honesty in academic activity of the students. The students must strict discipline in classrooms, examinations, class tests, quizzes, home assignments and all other segments of academic activity. Resorting to unfair / unethical means in any shape or form in examinations or quizzes or home assignments or other elements of evaluation and / or canvassing for marks or bringing pressure from parent / local guardian before / after the examination will be viewed seriously and shall result in stringent action.
  2. The answers as presented to the concerned faculty should be independent of each student. They are advised, in their own interest, not to communicate their written analysis or answers to any other student.
  3. Not with standing anything contained in these rules, no discussion of any sort will be permitted in the examination halls and the faculty members if they deem fit, may disallow or restrict discussion or consultation about the home assignments or may adopt any other measure to prevent resorting to unfair means in any segment of evaluation.
  4. Students are expected to exhibit exemplary behavior. If is not befitting to the conduct rules of the Institute, they will be asked to withdraw themselves from the Institute forthwith.
  5. The decision of the Institute will be final and binding in all matters pertaining to students discipline and academic matters.
  6. Using tobacco in any form in the Institute premises including the classroom, library an laboratories is strictly prohibited.
  7. Use of cell phones in classroom, library and laboratories is strictly forbidden.
  8. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in the college premises. An FIR shall be lodged against the student / students, if found involved in such incident.


  1. Absolute silence is to be maintained in the library.
  2. The librarian may at his discretion recall any book issued to students, if it is required in the library urgently.
  3. Readers are required to leave their belongings at the entrance of the library. Personal Books are not allowed inside the library.
  4. Writing or making any kind of mark and cutting or tearing any page from the book or periodical is strictly denied and punishable.
  5. Using tobacco in any form or eating or social chatting is strictly prohibited
  6. Issue and return of books / periodicals and such other business is to be conducted in a disciplined manner.
  7. If any student is found guilty of misbehavior, his / her library membership will be terminated.
  8. No student shall take any book / periodical or such other material out of the library without having it properly issued to him/ her.
  9. Using cell phones is strictly prohibited inside the library.


Cost of the Demaged / lost borrower’s card / books

  1. It is the responsibility of every borrower to keep the library card in his/ her own safe custody. Loss / damage of library card should be reported to the librarian immediately. Duplicate card will be issued on payment of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only) per card.
  2. If any book or periodical is lost or damaged by the borrower, he /she shall either pay double the cost of the book / journal or replace the same. If a volume from the multi-volume set is lost, the price of the whole set will be recovered.



  1. Computers should always be used for educational purpose.
  2. Limited timings for the Internet usage is provided, which will be duly notified.
  3. Students will be solely responsible for any damage or mishandling of the systems in the computer laboratory. In the event, it is found that the damage / mishandling is due to the negligence (direct / indirect) of the concerned student, then he /she will need to compensate for the cost of repair /restoration of the system. The decision of the Faculty in-charge shall be final & binding.
  4. All students are requested to take the help of the Faculty in-charge of the computer Laboratory, if they have any difficulty in using computers, printer and Internet.
  5. Students should maintain complete silence in the computer laboratory.
  6. Edibles are not allowed inside the computer laboratory.
  7. Using tobacco in any form is strictly prohibited in computer laboratory.
  8. The students in their user area should maintain laboratory neat and clean. They have to switch off the system after use, and place the chair and keyboard in their respective places.
  9. Usage of pen drive, CD etc are not allowed in the laboratory, unless the students have prior written approval from the Faculty in-charge.
  10. All students should sign in and sign of in the register maintained in the computer laboratory.
  11. For any damages and losses sustained in the laboratory and classrooms penalty as deemed fit shall be imposed as proposed by the faculty –\in-charge.


  1. Eating, drinking, chewing gum and tobacco are expressly forbidden and absolutely not allowed in the laboratory.
  2. All food items, drinking water bottles, bags etc are required to be kept at the entrance of the Laboratory.
  3. No unauthorized experiments are to be performed in the laboratory. Students should never leave his / her experiment unattended unless authorized to do so.
  4. Avoid breathing, testing or having skin contact with chemicals. Wash your hands periodically.
  5. Always clean glassware before use. Ensure that residues are cleaned well.
  6. Students must maintain proper laboratory practical records.
  7. Use of apron is compulsory for the Chemistry Laboratory.
  8. Students shall strictly follow the laboratory rules as instructed by the concerned faculties.



The Rules & Regulations are to be carefully read before signing. These rules are not negotiable)

One of the objectives of SRI SAICHAITANYA is to groom and develop students. Socially acceptable behavior viz character, mannerism, etiquette and a refined language are important constituents of an individual’s personality. We at SRI SAICHAITANYA feel that the students must set an example for others.

The guiding principle towards formulation of the rules and regulations for hostilities is to ensure a secure comfortable and pleasant stay, and to create an environment, which is conducive to learning. In fact, all the activities of SRI SAICHAITANYA are geared towards the development and progress of all students. The disciplinary measures / tools are designed to achieve the above objectives and must be taken in that spirit. These rules will be termed as Hostel Occupancy Rules and Regulations. Failure to abide by these rules will be considered as an unprofessional conduct on part of the residents and will result in appropriate Disciplinary Action as deemed fit by the competent authority.


  1. Every hosteller should follow the rules and regulations strictly at all times. Any hosteller who is found guilty of misconduct or continual breach of these rules or of gross indiscipline or who is seen to have wrongly influence on other resident students, is liable to be expelled forthwith from the hostel. The decision of the authorities shall be final and binding on the student and his parent / local guardian who shall not be permitted to question the authorities on any ground whatsoever.
  2. Admission and allocation of rooms to students are left to the discretion of the competent authority of SRI SAICHAITANYA.
  3. Students admitted to reside in the hostel, shall accept the room allotted to them. The Hostel Superintendent reserves the right to allocate rooms and to change students from one room to another  at any time, whenever necessary.
  4. Hostel room rent shall be chargeable from the 1st date of the month irrespective of the date of joining while mess charges shall be as per actual from the date of joining.
  5. Before occupying the room the resident should inspect all the items carefully. If any damage is caused at later stage, the resident shall be held responsible and necessary charges for the same shall be recovered from him / her.
  6. Hosteller should take care of personal valuable items like mobile, gold ornaments, currency etc. Complaints will not be entertained under any circumstances of any loss of such personal items by the authorities.
  7. All the students are treated equally by SRI CHAITANYA. Every one is entitled to equal rights of occupancy and access to any material of common use and is expected to have a courteous attitude towards his roommates and hostel mates.
  8. Residents are not allowed to pass the room key to their friends or whosoever to utilize their rooms in their absence of stay or during their vacation.
  9. The Institute reserves the right to modify the rules and regulations as and when deemed necessary.



  1. Hostilities must sign daily attendance register in the morning and in the evening in the prayer, class held at 6.45 AM and 6.00 PM.
  2. Study hours will be observed every day as instructed.
  3. All the hostilities must present themselves at their study tables during these hours failing which action as deemed fit shall be taken against them under intimation to their parents / guardians.
  4. Leaving the hostel without permission is not allowed. A student may leave the hostel for home or any other place with prior written application only, which must be granted by the hostel superintendent. No student shall be allowed to stay out without written request of the parent / local guardian and with written permission of the hostel superintendent. Any student staying out without permission will make him / her liable for expulsion without any notice from hostel.
  5. Hostilities will neither be allowed to go out of Campus after 6.30 PM nor to enter the premises after 6 PM unless they have prior written approval of the Hostel Superintendent. In emergency situations however, this condition can be relaxed. Therefore, a step in advance is to be taken if need arises. Cases of the hostilities, who fail to abide by the security personnel instructions in this regard, will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for adjudication.


  1. Perfect silence is to be observed during the study hours and discipline is to be maintained during the entire period of stay to achieve a conducive living and academic environment for all the residents.
  2. Parties or other social gathering in the hostel compound are not permitted without the prior consent of the Hostel Management.
  3. Using tobacco in any form is prohibited in the hostel room and campus at all times.
  4. Possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages are not allowed. Possession and consumption of any prohibited drugs are not allowed. Anyone caught using such drugs shall be handed over to the appropriate authorities. No student is allowed to use any sort of narcotics. Any student found involved  in use or possession of narcotics will be expelled from the hostels in addition to other disciplinary action.
  5. Residents are not allowed to bring pornographic or any distasteful materials to or display them in the rooms or anywhere within the premises and its vicinity.
  6. Residents are prohibited to scale over the fence or wall to get in or out of the hostel compound.
  7. Playing of radio, use of electric heater, kettles, iron of pressing cloths and immersion rods are strictly prohibited inside the premises of the hostel.
  8. Ragging is strictly prohibited. Defaulters will be dealt with severely, which may result in expulsion from the hostel & Institute.
  9. Pranks and rowdy games in any form are prohibited.
  10. Vandalism is a very serious offence. Residents found guilty of committing such offence may be evicted from the hostel.
  11. No un-student like activity shall be allowed inside the hostel premises.
  12. Students are not allowed to keep firearms or contraband items in the hostel premises. Students will not indulge in any illegal and / or unethical activity in the hostel premises. Neither the students nor their visitors are allowed to bring or consume liquor, drugs or any other intoxicants in the hostel premises.



  1. Male visitors to female hostels and female visitors to male hostels except the parents / guardians are NOT allowed.
  2. All the visitors are required to sign the visitor’s book before entering the hostel.
  3. Guests can only be taken up to the room between 4 PM to 6 PM with the advance written permission of the hostel superintendent.



  1. Two passport size colour photographs of the Parent / local guardian must be attached.
  2. Parents / local guardians will be provided with Unique Identity Card. They are requested to bring their cards with them and produce before the hostel Security whenever they come to meet their ward.



  1. Every student availing bus facility should follow the rules strictly at all times.
  2. Students shall at all times carry the bus pass while traveling in the bus.
  3. The students shall strictly follow the approved bus stoppage chart.
  4. If any student is found guilty of misconduct his/her bus pass will be cancelled forth wise. The decision of the authorities shall be final and binding.
  5. Students should take care of personal valuables like books, bag, mobile, gold ornaments, currency etc complaints will not be entertained under any circumstances on any loss of such personal belongings by the Institute.
  6. Perfect silence and discipline is to be maintained while traveling in the bus.
  7. Students are advised to use the bus with care and should maintain it properly. They will be liable to pay for any loss or damage caused to it.
  8. No student should disfigure or tamper the seats by cutting, write their names etc in the bus.
  9. Breach of any Bus rules will result in disciplinary proceedings.
  10. The Institute will have the right to revise the bus fees as and when necessary with prior notice Institute reserves the right to review the bus rules from time to time.
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