How To Kill JEE / NEET Fear?

How to kill JEE/NEET Fear

How to kill JEE/NEET fear?

Yes, this question is in everyone’s mind who is appearing or going to appear for the JEE/NEET exam.

Fear, what is it?

Fear is nothing but the anticipation of some negative consequences. It could be the feeling of not being able to score well, lack of time to solve the questions and the feeling of nervousness to appear for the exam.

Oh, is this fear?

Yes, this is fear. Why does it happen?

It happens due to lack of confidence. Nothing else.

The only way to kill this fear is to gain confidence. That’s it.

Let’s discuss some ways to gain confidence.

1. Belief in yourself

The first thing that you should do is believe in yourself. Say to yourself “I can do it”. When you believe in yourself, you can kill self-doubt, and nervousness. Once you are able to kill self-doubt, you become more confident to take action. So eliminate all your fear, nervousness and focus on your study.

2. Set your goal

Set a goal and make plans to get there. Your goal is to get a high score in the JEE/NEET so that you can take admission to a good college. When you fix your goal, it will motivate you to move ahead.

3. Make a Schedule

Plan your schedule to cover all the syllabus in time. Decide which subject you want to cover during the first hour of the day and which subject in the afternoon or evening hour. Prepare your timetable according to that. Identify the portion of your syllabus which needs more attention, schedule it to finish first. Don’t treat yourself badly if you skip the routine.

4. Take the help of Experts

Self-studying is a great way to master each subject. It helps you to enhance your learning experience. You can explore your subjects through self-study. However, taking the help of experts will be an added advantage for you. Go through your syllabus, highlight the difficult portion, then take the help of an expert. Bring your doubts to zero and feel confident to appear for the test.

5. Discuss with your friends

The best way to overcome the fear of NEET/JEE is to discuss your subjects with your friends. You will feel confident while solving your friend’s problem. Similarly, you will feel relaxed while sharing your problems. Your nervousness, fear and self-doubt will vanish when you’ve answers for all your problems. So share with your friends, feel confident, and make them feel confident.

6. Take Regular Mock Tests

Take regular mock tests to feel confident and overcome mistakes. Mock tests will help you to get acquainted with the exam pattern. To know the strategies you have to appear in the mock tests. You can visit for JEE/NEET mock test papers.

7. Mindmap

Create mind maps for each topic covered. Make your understanding structured in the form of a mind map. Keep short notes by drawing a mind map and refer to it before your exam. It will help you to overcome your exam fear. You’ll be able to recall all the important points before your exam.

Bottom Line

Fear is nothing but anticipation of negative results. Always remain positive and have faith in yourself. Make a smart plan and follow that. You will feel confident and able to kill the fear of the JEE/NEET exam.


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