Sri Saichaitanya Library

Sink of Sucrose

Sri Saichaitanya Library The library is fully equipped with wide range of books and CD’s, which covers the entire curriculum. The library also provides newspapers, and magazines on Information Technology, Science, and other subjects to keep students abreast about the latest developments in Science.
Sri Chaitanya Library

Sri Saichaitanya Cultural Grid

Movement of Mind

Academic life in Sri Chaitanya goes beyond the curriculum. Co-curricular activities form an integral part of the education system. A vibrant students association runs a busy calendar of academic, social, sporting, and cultural activity. Our students attain professional thrust by going beyond classroom learning.

Personal Care

Neuro Chemical Coordination

Sri Saichitanya is a caring community. Personal Care Cell is constituted to maintain the human dimension to our learning environment and maintain regular one to one interaction between the teachers and the taught. You will have a personal mentor who will support you through study, home or personal difficulties. Every student is led by a mentor, who checks the academic progress of the student and provide necessary feedback and support. If you are a student with additional needs, you will find our approach positive. We treat our students with respect and care. We have a real interest in your success.
Sri Chaitanya Class Room

Knowledge & Character World Class Competence Program

Industry Focused Knowledge Competence:Sri Saichaitanya is well known for setting high education standards and enriching human values. Sri Chaitanya students attain competence with a futuristic vision, which make them ready for high valued jobs. Learning new skills and upgrading the existing ones is vital in today’s technology driven and competitive business environment. Sri Chaitanya recognizes the need of this changing environment and the necessity to generate innovative and successful responses to the changing conditions. Sri Chaitanya is proactive and alert to the global trends.Indispensable Character Competence:Sri Saichaitanya students have the leading edge of Morality, Ethics, Integrity & Values Education which make them Dependable in Family & Job – Ready for Life Long Personal & Professional Happiness. The character competence program is designed to integrate academics with education on values, morality, ethics and integrity, which makes Sri Chaitanya a distinguished Institute that empowers individuals with a very high level of social and personal competence. 

Radiance World Class Environment Program

Corporate Culture Education:

Sri Saichaitanya train students in Corporate Culture focusing on Interpersonal skills, English & Professionalism to fit in world class environment.

Personality Management Education:

Sri Saichaitanya lays a great emphasis on overall personality development of the students. Education transforms every Sri Saichaitanya student into a Dynamic Personality who always thinks right, does right and lives right.

Sri Saichaitanya Hostel- “Home away from Home”

Sri Saichaitanya Hostel – “Home Away from Home” provides students the opportunity to experience living in a community dedicated to the academic and personal environment. Separate hostels are available for boys and girls. Hostel is provided on priority basis to outstation students. Messing facility is available at both the hostels.


  • Well-furnished Convenient rooms
  • Hostel is provided with furniture
  • Supply of water and electricity.
  • Assistant Wardens are available for consultation and guidance for the benefit of the students


It is compulsory for every student to abide by the disciplinary rules of the Institute. Every student is expected to give an evidence of a good professional and devote earnestly to studies. Students should always conduct themselves with decency towards the fellow student and with respect and obedience towards all staff, faculties, and management of the Institution. No student will be allowed to indulge in offensive activities like ragging juniors, eve teasing, using improper language both inside and beyond the premises.

Students are to ensure that they do not participate in any collective, regional, and political activity or litigation of any kind. They should further ensure and regard every property of the Institution as their own and not wilfully cause any destruction, damage or loss of Institute / Hostel property. The students concerned will be responsible individually or collectively for any loss or damage made to the Institute / Hostel property. Violation of any disciplinary rule will result in suspension or even rustication. The decision of the Institute Administration will be final in all matters pertaining to student discipline. 100% Attendance is mandatory in Theory & Practical for all students. Leave if required must be approved officially in writing. Students joining Sri Chaitanya are assured of a successful life because we make every student study and prepare them for top jobs in world’s best organizations.

No Ragging

We are proud to announce that our Institution is ragging free. Any student indulging in any form of ragging is subject to punishment. This punishment could range from a fine to expulsion from the Institute. This rule acts as a preventive measure against ragging.

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