Director Prof. Dr. Sasanka Sekhar Kanungo Sri Saichaitanya Institute
Prof.(Dr.) Sasanka Sekhar Kanungo
Director cum Principal

We have achieved lots of milestones and helped thousands of successful students in launching their career. All the time, we are putting our best efforts to bring the best to the students. Sri Chaitanya has built hundreds of success stories and helped students to achieve their goals since its inception.

We, at Sri Saichaitanya strongly believes in the student’s inner strength and focus upon it accordingly. In today’s competitive world, Sri Saichaitanya is a highly valued brand with quality education by our top professionals and all our students feel lucky that they have taken coaching from Sri Saichaitanya.

At last, I thank all of my students and their parents for trusting my commitment of offering superior schooling and coaching.

Prof.(Dr.) Sasanka Sekhar Kanungo

(Director cum Principal)

Sri Saichaitanya Institute

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